
The Latvian authorities have fined the Russian opposition channel “Dozhd”. Its host called to help the army of the Russian Federation

Oleg Panfilovych

The National Council of Electronic Media of Latvia (NEPLP) fined the Russian opposition TV channel "Dozhd" €10 000 for supporting the Russian army.

Council chairman Ivars Abolinsh informed about this on Twitter.

The publication Delfi explains that the fine was imposed because the TV channel marked the occupied Crimea as part of Russia and called the Russian army "our army". Before that, the editor-in-chief of "Dozhd" Tikhon Dzyadko published a post in which he apologized for the incorrect wording on the air of the TV channel. However, it was about the appeal of TV presenter Oleksiy Korostelev to TV viewers to send funds and aid for the Russian military in Ukraine.

The TV channel announced that it was terminating cooperation with the presenter. The head of the NEPLP stressed that for three serious violations, the council has the right to revoke the channelʼs broadcasting license. This case is the second violation of "Dozhd" in recent months.