
General Staff: About 13 thousand Belarusians agreed to fight in Ukraine, provocations are expected

Kostia Andreikovets

About 13 thousand Belarusian active and former soldiers agreed to participate in the war against Ukraine on the side of the Russian army.

This was stated by the Deputy Chief of the Main Operational Department of the General Staff, Oleksii Hromov, during the briefing.

"Six battalions of the Armed Forces of Belarus have been deployed along the state border of Ukraine and are performing tasks in the border areas with Ukraine. In general, according to available data, Russia continues to involve Belarus in a full-scale war against Ukraine. According to preliminary data, up to 13,000 people from the current and former military units of the Belarusian special operations forces, as well as the riot police, have signed their consent to participate in the war against Ukraine," he said.

Hromov added that Russia invites foreign representatives from Syria, Mali, Laos, and Uzbekistan, who can also be thrown into battle against Ukraine, to the Belarusian training grounds.

"There are suspicions that on the eve of Ukraineʼs Independence Day, Russia may stage a provocation at the Belarusian training ground, with the death of foreigners. In order to demonize the Armed Forces of Ukraine and involve Belarus definitively in hostilities," Hromov said.