
The meteorological summer has come to Kyiv — two weeks later than usual

Anhelina Sheremet

The meteorological summer has come to the capital of Ukraine — on May 25 a steady increase in the average daily air temperature over +15.0 ° С was recorded, which marks the beginning of the meteorological summer.

This was announced by the Central Geophysical Observatory on Friday, May 27.

That is, the meteorological spring, which began on February 6 and lasted for 108 days, is over. It turned out to be more than a month longer than the climatic norm.

This yearʼs meteorological summer visited Kyiv two weeks later than the long-term average. The earliest summer in 141 years of observations began in 1996, on April 22, and the latest ones started in 1990 and 2001, on June 7.