
”Customs, for which I am ashamed.” The chairman of the financial committee of the Verkhovna Rada Hetmantsev explained how to reform the department

Anhelina Sheremet

Sergey Morgunov / Babel

Danylo Hetmantsev, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Customs and Tax Policy, called customs a "shameful" area and said that reforms were needed there.

“What needs to be done in customs? The first is to introduce a very strict military dictatorship among officials and a hierarchy. Kill the clan. The second is to ensure the absence of law enforcement officers at customs posts, which are part of corrupt activities. The third is the introduction of common transit when there is a single information base with the EU and some other countries. The system has not been implemented, although the relevant law was adopted in 2019. We also need joint checkpoints with Western customs, now we are opening only one. What else? Customs rotations, " Hetmantsev said in an interview with Babel.

As for the staff, a "rigid hierarchy and defined clear actions that lead to a positive outcome" are needed.

"Although I personally propose to give the military the opportunity after the victory to be transferred to customs out of competition. After proper training, no doubt" Hetmantsev added.