
”Skhemy”: Russiaʼs Pulkovo Airport, partly owned by Germany, could be used for military purposes

Anna Kholodnova

Russiaʼs Defense Ministry is sending its military aircraft to Ukraine for combat missions from Pulkovo Airport in St. Petersburg Petersburg. Indirectly, a part of this resort is owned by the German authorities.

This was reported in the investigation by journalists of "Skhemy" (Radio Svoboda).

Journalists of "Skhemy" recorded that at least 6 Russian military planes use this airport to conduct offensive operations. These are the military transport aircraft IL-76MD 223 of the flight unit of the Space Forces, the large transport aircraft AN-124-100 "Ruslan" of the 224 unit, IL-76TD, IL-76MD 224 of the flight unit, IL -62M and Tu-154M, which is usually carried by the military leadership.

Pulkovo is one of the five largest airports in Russia. It is managed by the company "Air Gates of the Northern Capital", and since 2009 the share of 25% in it has the German company Fraport. More than 31% of Fraport belongs to the Hesse federal state and almost 21% to Frankfurt.

Fraport says the airport is civilian and the company is unaware of its military purpose.

If the facts of the use of this airport in the war against Ukraine are proven, Fraport will be held responsible for violating international criminal law.