
Electronic pet passports for pets will be introduced in Ukraine

Olha Bereziuk

In Kyiv, a project on the introduction of vet passports for animals was presented and the launch of the Unified State Register of Pets was announced.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food writes about it.

The project envisages changes in the procedure for issuing veterinary passports — previously, only state institutions of veterinary medicine had the right to issue official documents for animals. The project will be launched in two stages.

The first stage is planned for autumn 2024. It will begin with the launch of the Unified Register of Pets, where it will be possible to register a pet during a visit to a veterinarian and create an electronic vet passport.

The service will be provided free of charge by state and licensed private veterinarians who have become participants in the project and have access to the register (a list of such doctors throughout Ukraine can be seen on the map of vet clinics on the project portal).

All information about the animal, including vaccination history, will be stored in the register. The registry will also make it easier to find lost cats, dogs and ferrets, identify them and return them to their owners.

During the second stage, when the registration of pets becomes massive and the register is sufficiently filled, the project team will launch the display of veterinary passports in the "Diia" application.

Further plans include the integration of the Unified State Register with international pet databases, in particular Europetnet.