
SBI suspects military officials of purchasing low-quality first-aid kits for almost 60 million hryvnias

Liza Brovko

The State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) and the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) suspect the former head of one of the military training centers, the head of the medical service of this center and eight private entrepreneurs in the purchase of low-quality first-aid kits for the military.

This is written by the press service of SBI.

The investigation established that the educational center concluded eight contracts with entrepreneurs for the supply of 30 773 first-aid kits for a total amount of 58.5 million hryvnias.

Military officials did not check the quality of the first-aid kits, SBI notes.

The examination confirmed that the first-aid kits do not meet the established standards, do not have the proper components, and the available drugs are of inadequate quality. That is, they can harm the health of the military if they use them.

The former head of the educational center was informed of the suspicion of inactivity of the military authorities, the head of the medical educational center — of negligent attitude towards military service. For this, they can be imprisoned for a term of 8 to 10 years.

Entrepreneurs are suspected of large-scale fraud. The sanction of the article is imprisonment for up to 8 years.