
The government has allowed the non-publication of information on defense procurement and supplier locations

Olha Bereziuk

Регіональне управління Сил територіальної оборони Південь / Facebook

During the martial law, the Cabinet of Ministers allowed not to publish information about procurement for defense needs, as well as not to announce the location of supplier enterprises.

This was reported by the Ministry of Economy.

In particular, the government expanded the list of grounds for procurement without the use of an electronic procurement system. Now, urgent purchases for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, military formations, higher military educational institutions, law enforcement agencies, the State Emergency Service, as well as purchases by “Ukrzaliznytsia”, which are aimed at repairs and restoration of equipment, will be able to take place without the use of open tenders or an electronic catalog.

The ministry noted that contracts for such purchases will be made public in the electronic procurement system 90 days after martial law is lifted.

In addition, for the safety of customers, suppliers and contractors, customers were allowed not to indicate the settlement where the enterprise is located, but only, for example, the district or region. This will make it difficult for the enemy to find his location.

The government also obliged customers to form a list of documents submitted by a participant in the procurement procedure in the form of two separate appendices to the tender documentation. Previously, such requirements could be in any part of the tender documentation — it was difficult for bidders to find them.

According to the Ministry of Economy, such changes will make it impossible for customers to abuse documentation requirements, promote fair competition among participants in the procurement procedure, and improve the efficiency of procurement.

In addition, customers received the right to purchase goods from partner countries with which Ukraine has concluded agreements on free state procurement without a lower limit.