
Zelensky said about 14 understaffed brigades in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. They still donʼt have the promised weapons

Kostia Andreikovets

Getty Images / «Babel'»

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said in an interview with Bloomberg that the situation at the front is not deadlocked, but problematic. It can be solved, but you need the right amount of weapons and tools.

Zelensky noted that currently there are 14 brigades in the Armed Forces of Ukraine that do not have weapons, because they have not yet arrived from the Western allies. Therefore, we are not talking about counteroffensive actions today — because the Armed Forces of Ukraine must first hold the front.

"We have the desire [to counter-attack], but the tools have not arrived, as they say. That is, we have brigades without weapons, we have reserves, we have 14 undermanned brigades that do not have the appropriate weapons. Weapons that have already been voted on [in the US Congress], that have been talked about. The packages should arrive, but unfortunately, they are coming slowly," the president said.

Zelensky also said that there is no timetable for the arrival of weapons, and this is a big problem that hinders planning. The time between the decision and the actual fact is very, very long, the president noted. He added that weapons are currently the number one issue. The situation with the replenishment of the army is much better than it was in the previous three months.