
The SBI exposed a large-scale system of torturing prisoners in Ukrainian colonies

Olha Bereziuk

The SBI employees exposed numerous facts of torture of prisoners in a number of regions of Ukraine. Four employees of the Bozhkov correctional colony (No. 16) in the Poltava region were informed of suspicions.

This is written by the press service of the SBI.

The investigation established that the victims of criminals were almost everyone who entered the colony. The new arrivals were threatened with settlement among the "generally rejected" prisoners and were beaten until they broke their will and forced them to obey any instructions without question. Currently, information is being checked even about the facts of death from beatings.

From the moment they arrived at the colony, each of the convicts went through a tough admission procedure, during which they were forced to clean the floor, filming the process on video camera. In case of refusal, the convicts were beaten with hands, feet, rubber batons, sticks, twisted hands, etc. One of the convicts, for example, was given as many as 200 hits.

The investigation also has a video of the beating of one of the newly arrived prisoners of the Bozhkov correctional colony. The examination confirmed its authenticity, the video was included in the proceedings.

Four officials of the Bozhkov correctional colony (No. 16) were informed of the suspicion of torture (Part 2 of Article 127 of the Criminal Code). The maximum penalty is imprisonment for up to 10 years.

Investigative actions are also being carried out in the office of the North-Eastern Interregional Administration for the Execution of Sentences of the State Criminal Enforcement Service of Ukraine (SCESU) and the head of this institution. Investigators are checking information about the possible organization of a system of extortion and abuse in institutions subordinate to him and the presence of expensive property (numerous apartments, office premises and luxury cars) that does not correspond to his income.