
In Poland, a Ukrainian was brutally killed on a farm. There are three suspects

Liza Brovko

In the Polish village of Rokiciny, a 48-year-old Ukrainian was brutally killed on a farm. Rescuers were called to the fire, and during the extinguishing they discovered the body of a man.

Wiadomosci writes about it.

Police said the man was brutally murdered and then the suspects deliberately set the farm on fire to cover their tracks. The suspects are two men and a woman who will spend three months behind bars.

Both men were charged with murder with particular cruelty on grounds deserving of particular condemnation, while the woman was charged with failing to render aid to the victim and concealing traces of a crime.

Polish media reports that a man and a woman were the owners of the farm, and another man was an employee. They also add that the body was dismembered, probably with an axe.

Lembork district attorney Patrick Wegner said that one of the two suspects in the murder confessed and gave a very detailed explanation. However, the prosecutorʼs office considers the specified motive for the murder to be extremely irrational and detached from reality, so the investigators will continue the investigation.

Patrick Wegner also added that the suspects had been drinking alcohol on the night of the murder.

The murdered Ukrainian worked on the farm for at least several months. Investigators are investigating whether he received money for work or only food and accommodation. He did not have an employment contract.