
Zelenskyi promised a law that would allow dismissal for not reporting ties to the occupation

Oleksandra Opanasenko

Reuters / «Бабель»

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi returned to the Verkhovna Rada draft law No. 7731, which would allow employers to fire employees for not reporting contacts with people in the occupied territories. Zelenskyi submitted proposals for the document, which will be considered by the specialized committee.

This is stated in the card of the document on the website of the parliament.

On April 25, the Verkhovna Rada adopted Law No. 7731 "On Amendments to the Labor Code of Ukraine on Establishing Additional Grounds for Termination of an Employment Contract at the Employerʼs Initiative and Some Other Matters." The draft law was registered in September 2022 — its authors are deputies from the "Servant of the People" faction.

In the explanatory note to the draft law, it was noted that it was developed to "regulate labor relations at the legislative level to protect the national interests of Ukraine in the conditions of armed aggression against Ukraine."

In the second reading, the draft law included a provision on the right of employers to fire their workers, if they did not inform their management about existing connections with people who remained in the temporarily occupied territories. Human rights activists said that these are grounds for oppression and stigmatization of those who have relatives in the occupation, and people who are still registered there, but have gone abroad.

In addition, the law did not explain what an employer should do about reporting "connections" with people in the occupation. Now Zelenskyi proposes to exclude this point.