
Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was wounded during the shooting. He is taken to the hospital

Oleksandra Opanasenko

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was wounded during a shooting near a building in the Slovak city of Handlova, where the government was holding an away meeting. He is urgently taken to the hospital.

Slovak publications Denník N and Pravda write about it.

The journalist of Denník N, who witnessed the event, notes that after the government meeting in the House of Culture, Prime Minister Fico went to the local residents — after that, several shots rang out. After them, Fitzo fell to the ground. According to Pravda, Fitso was wounded in the stomach and chest. His condition is serious.

The shooting in Fico was confirmed at the plenary session of the Parliament by the Vice-Chairman of the National Council of Slovakia, Ljubos Blaha. The work of the meeting was suspended for an indefinite period.

Robert Fitsoʼs official Facebook page confirmed that he was shot today. The message says that shots were fired several times at the premiere. due to the threat to his life, he is taken by helicopter to the hospital in the city of Banska Bystrica, because it is too far to Bratislava.

"The next few hours will be decisive," the message said.

The police have already detained the alleged attacker. The police surrounded the area, the building was evacuated. Security took care of the safety of other government officials. It is known that three ministers were evacuated from the scene of the incident.

The local TV channel TV Joj indicates that Robert Fizo was allegedly shot by a 71-year-old man from Levice. Others report a middle-aged man who was arrested immediately after the shooting. According to Denník N, he fired from a registered short-barreled rifle.

On May 15, members of the Slovak government went to a meeting in Handlova, where they were supposed to discuss the socio-economic situation in the Previdza and Partizanske districts and propose opportunities for its improvement.