
Britain expels the Russian attache because of Moscowʼs “malicious” actions

Liza Brovko

The UK is expelling Russiaʼs defense attache, will also strip some properties of diplomatic status and limit the duration of Russian diplomatic visas. This is a response to the Kremlinʼs "malign activity," Home Secretary James Cleverley said.

Reuters writes about it.

"We will expel the Russian defense attaché, who is actually a Russian military intelligence officer," the minister said.

James Cleverley, in an address to parliament, added that Britain is already an "extremely difficult environment for Russian intelligence services", but the country will further strengthen defenses against threats from Russia.

The minister predicts that because of this Britain will face "accusations of Russophobia, conspiracy theories and hysteria from the Russian government", but the British government "will not be taken for a fool".

The Russian publication "Important Histories" writes that the post of defense attaché at the Russian embassy in Britain is held by Colonel Maksym Yelovik. Such attachés are official representatives of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. They often turned out to be employees of the Main Intelligence Department of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.