
The soldier and journalist Alla Pushkarchuk died

Oleksandra Amru

On April 25, a military servicewoman, former journalist of "Tyzhden" and "Chytomo" Alla Pushkaruk ("Ruta") died at the front.

A former journalist of "Tyzhden" and a military man Dmytro Krapyvenko reported this.

Even during the Revolution of Dignity, Alla joined the "Right Sector", leaving her studies at the Karpenko-Kary University and her dream career as a theater critic, writes Krapyvenko.

From August 2014 to April 2018, she worked in the fifth separate battalion of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army as a journalist and photographer. Then she received the call sign "Ruta".

Her report "Turn to the right" was among the ten finalists of the 2016 "Samovydets" art report competition. In 2017, Alla was among the winners of the XIX International Photo Contest by the All-Ukrainian newspaper "Den" with a series of photos from the war, Chytomo reported.

Later, Alla was demobilized and began her career as a journalist, editor of the news feed in the magazine Ukrainsky Tyzhden, a year later she became a PR specialist at the Komora publishing house.

Alla joined the Chytomo team in 2021 and worked there for six months. After the start of the full-scale invasion, she joined the Armed Forces together with her lover and became a mortarman. As a result of missile fire, she died in his arms.