
The NATO Secretary General proposes to create a 5-year aid package for Ukraine in the amount of $100 billion

Sofiia Telishevska

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg proposed to the Alliance countries to create a contribution fund for Ukraine worth $100 billion over five years as part of a package that the leaders should sign at the July summit in Washington.

This was reported by the AFP and Bloomberg agencies with reference to persons familiar with the discussions.

NATO members are still debating Stoltenbergʼs proposal and accounting mechanisms, including whether to include bilateral aid to Ukraine in the total, the sources said.

The media suggest that the respective proposal will most likely change before the Allies of the Alliance reach an agreement.

Under the plan, NATO would take over some coordination work from a special US-led coalition known as the Ramstein Group, which coordinates arms shipments to Ukraine from some 50 countries. The move is aimed in part at protecting against any reduction in US support should Donald Trump return to the White House, diplomats said.

Under the leadership of NATO Commander-in-Chief General Chris Cavoli, such a move could protect the Contact Group from any political changes that may arise after the US presidential election.

"If the Allies support Stoltenbergʼs proposal, NATOʼs attempt to take on a more active role in providing assistance to Ukraine will mean a paradigm shift for the military alliance, which previously distanced itself from these efforts to avoid potential involvement in a full-scale war with Russia, to more actively assist Ukraine," the statement said. messages