
Lviv surgeons for the first time independently removed the uterus and appendages using the Da Vinci robot

Oleksandra Opanasenko

Перше медичне об'єднання Львова / Facebook

Surgeons of the St. Panteleimon Hospital in Lviv for the first time independently removed the uterus and appendages with the help of the Da Vinci robotic surgeon.

This was reported by the First Medical Association of Lviv.

The patient was a 57-year-old woman — for a month she felt pain in the lower abdomen. She was found to have an ovarian cyst and elevated tumor makers. These are specific antigens that show the possibility of developing cancer.

Extirpation of the uterus together with the appendages is considered the most extensive operation in surgical gynecology. Therefore, to reduce risks during surgery, doctors used Da Vinci. The hospitalʼs surgeons already performed the same robotic operation together with foreign colleagues in 2021, but this time they performed it independently.

Operation using a robotic surgeon shows 3D visualization of all organs and structures, minimizes blood loss and the risk of postoperative complications. And this is the least traumatic method of surgical care. Patients recover faster and return to their usual life, so on the second day after the operation, the patient went home without any complaints.

Over the past three years, doctors at St. Panteleimon Hospital have performed 89 robotic interventions.