
Polish farmers spilled grain from Ukrainian trucks at the border. The police opened a case

Sofiia Telishevska

Melissa Askew / Unsplash

The police of Poland are investigating the incident that happened near the border with Ukraine in Dorohusk. The day before, farmers stopped three Ukrainian trucks and dumped grain on the road.

This is reported by RMF FM.

The incident happened yesterday morning, February 11, on the road to the border crossing in Dorohusk, where farmers are protesting.

"After registration, three trucks with Ukrainian drivers entered Poland. The protestors did not let the transport go any further and at some point opened the trailers, as a result of which grain spilled onto the road. The drivers turned back in the direction of Ukraine," said Commissioner Eva Chyzh from the Main Department of the Municipal Police in Khelm.

According to her, the law enforcement officers are finding out the details of the incident, conducting an inspection and establishing the identities of the participants.