
In Germany, Ukrainians were attacked with knives. A 17-year-old basketball player died

Liza Brovko

Федерація баскетболу міста Києва

17-year-old basketball player Volodymyr Yermakov died in Dusseldorf, Germany. He and his friend Artem Kozachenko were attacked with knives. The latter is in intensive care.

This was reported by the Kyiv Basketball Federation.

Volodymyr and Artem played for the youth team ART Giants (U-19) from Dusseldorf. On the eve of the match, basketball players were attacked.

"They attacked with knives on the street simply because they are Ukrainians!" wrote in the Federation.

The local police opened a case, there were witnesses. The murder happened on Saturday evening.

Basketball player Volodymyr Yermakov played in the childrenʼs teams "Teivaz" and "5T.EAM-ДЮСШ-12", was a member of the youth national team of Ukraine (U-16), performed at the 2022 European Championship in Bulgaria. The Kyiv Basketball Federation and the entire Ukrainian basketball community expressed their condolences to the parents of the deceased.

Volodymyr Yermakov.

Федерація баскетболу міста Києва